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Macrophages, rather than DCs, are responsible for inflammasome activity in the GM-CSF BMDC model.

Nat. Immunol.. 2019-04; 
ErlichZiv,ShlomovitzInbar,Edry-BotzerLiat,CohenHadar,FrankDaniel,WangHanqing,LewAndrew M,LawlorKate E,ZhanYifan,VinceJames E,GerlicM
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Catalog Antibody Membranes were blocked with 5% skim milk in TBS for 1–2 h and were then probed overnight with primary antibodies (all diluted 1:1,000 unless noted otherwise): Mouse-β-actin (Sigma; A-1798), mouse-α-actin-1 (GenScript; A00885) Get A Quote


Inflammasomes are one of the most important mechanisms for innate immune defense against microbial infection but are also known to drive various inflammatory disorders via processing and release of the cytokine IL-1β. As research into the regulation and effects of inflammasomes in disease has rapidly expanded, a variety of cell types, including dendritic cells (DCs), have been suggested to be inflammasome competent. Here we describe a major fault in the widely used DC-inflammasome model of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) generated with the cytokine granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF). We found that among GM-CSF bone marrow-derived cell populations, monocyte-derived mac... More
